- Seeds 1-8 2 random teams drawn - Seeds 9-24 3 random teams drawn - Seeds 25-32 4 random teams drawn -
Draft is held on AIM chat room, owners must be present in order to receive a choice. (If an owner is not present, he will
be randomly drawn one team and assigned to them, no further trades are allowed) - Owners may also elect to pass on their
random teams drawn and be moved to the end of the list - Each owner will have about 2 minutes before their teams are drawn
to accept a trade - Teams may be traded for seeds - Teams may be traded for other teams as well, but only after the
draft is complete in it's entirety - No trading may occur outside of turn, only owners on the clock may hear offers and
counter (if owners agree to swap spots during the draft both must type "SWAP WITH <members name>" - Trading may
occur before the draft (if owners agree to swap spots, they must both e-mail the commish)